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Boosting immunotherapy in non-responsive cancer cells

Cancer immunotherapy primes a patient’s immune system to better find and destroy cancer cells, improving upon the body’s natural ability to fight tumours. Contemporary immunotherapy approaches aim to stimulate immune cells called T cells to target tumours. In this process, the production and functioning of

New way to force pathogenic proteins into degradation

Many of today’s drugs are small, simple molecules. They usually work by regulating the activity of proteins involved in pathologically derailed processes—which is precisely what makes their development extremely complicated. Consequently, a highly adapted molecule has to be developed for each protein, to fit into

Potential new treatment for pulmonary neuroendocrine tumors

  Credit: Credit: Talya Dayton, copyright: Hubrecht Institute.   The Organoid Group (Hubrecht Institute) and the Rare Cancers Genomics Team (IARC/WHO) found a way to grow samples of different types of neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) in the lab. While generating their new model, the researchers discovered

Non-invasive technology for the high-throughput characterization of cancer cells

Monitoring cancer cells effectively can help physicians with treatment and management, thus reducing cancer-related mortality. Can non-invasive technologies pave the way for improved monitoring to reduce cancer mortality rates? Diagnostic platforms that non-invasively measure the electrical properties of cancer cells offer promise in the early

Cell therapy appears safe and effective for lymphoma in remission

DOWNLOADABLE VIDEO HERE Credit: Clutch Content Partners DOWNLOADABLE VIDEO HERE MIAMI, FLORIDA (EMBARGOED UNTIL SUNDAY, DEC. 10, 2023 AT 8:00 P.M. ET) – A study led by researchers at Sylvester Comprehensive Cancer Center at the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine suggests that CAR-T